So once we knew what we wanted to achieve, we started to develop our ideas. From the start we chose to consequently stick to three fundamental architectural design criteria:
- Flexibility : software should be changeable more easily
- Manageability : software management should become a design issue and not an ad hoc issue
- Networking (in every form) : remote operations should be built in and transparent with respect to the software
After we finished the first release, we noticed that because of keeping up our fundamental design criteria, our design brought us to a true component environment. With a true component environment we mean a system that not only supports a language that has special component statements but a complete runtime environment that supports applications completely consisting of components. So we didn’t search for a component based environment, but the above criteria brought us there.
So what are the advantages of the AP software environment?
- Strong reduction of risks coming with IT decisions
- Strong reduction of time to do application analysis
- Strong reduction of software development time. Tailor made software for acceptable costs
- Strong independence of software suppliers
- The perfect flexibility enables adaptations during development (Lego). You get what you want.
- The software does not become obsolete. By simply adding/replacing components, the software remains up-to-date: It evolves with the demands of the organisation!
- Application- and version management disappears
- Distribution of software is being automatically ruled by the system. This happens at runtime: No more downtimes, no more arrangements (when/then), no unforeseen circumstances, less planning, less bottlenecks, less overtime
- Parallel development of components becomes simple (component shopping)
- Risk-less and controlled (silent) migration to new systems, for both soft- and hardware
Everything your software suppliers have promised you, now really comes true.